Holiday Weekend Memories
There’s no denying that we had a unique, highly interesting and a very lucky childhood. Between the mountains and the ocean, we grew up with a wide range of experiences.
But one of my most valued experiences was spending time, one-on-one, with my dad. With 2 little sisters, it was nice to just be alone with him, learning from him without even knowing I was doing so. On the weekends, we would stand together at the front of our complex and watch the world go by - the summertime holidays at the beach were the best!
We’d stand there for hours, each of us with a cold drink in our hands to keep up company - typically a beer for my dad, and a Country Time Lemonade for me. We’d keep a close watch on the waves, the pier, the constant action that buzzed along Pacific Coast Highway. We’d watch the people try to parallel park (some good at it, most bad at it); families walk by with their kids; the occasional arguing couple; and the, more common than not, characters that perused about and lived along Oceanside’s sandy shores.
This tradition is not one that is lost to me, or my dad. As I grew up, my dad and I did so together. My lemonade turned into a beer, and in recent years, we’ve refined our palates together opting now for the smokey smoothness of whatever scotch-whisky we have on hand (Trader Joes has a great house brand scotch for $9.99, in case you were wondering).
When I think back on all the times I’ve spent at the wall with my dad, I recall all the Memorial Days and Father’s Days that we chatted about school, girls, jobs, business, finance, stocks, cars, advice on all the above, our future and any other thing that popped up.
I think mostly about all of the things my dad has given me and I hope I’ve made him proud. This Father’s Day, give back to your dad a little of all he has given you by picking something for him that lets him Wear The Life He Loves.
And if you need some help in the process, a hypothetical chat at “the wall”, let us know - we’re here to help.
Just like our dad has always helped us.